“Church” is an extraordinary photographic journey by Fabien Montique, brought to life through the visionary project conceived by Kanye West. This book delves into the architectural and spiritual majesty of churches across Italy and France, capturing their profound historical and cultural significance.

Kanye West, known for his profound interest in art, spirituality, and architecture, envisioned this project as a way to document the sacred spaces that have shaped European culture and faith for centuries. Fabien Montique, with his keen eye for detail and deep appreciation for artistic expression, was the perfect collaborator to bring this vision to fruition.

Through Montique’s lens, “Church” reveals the intricate beauty and serene grandeur of these revered structures. Each photograph encapsulates the essence of these spiritual havens, from the awe-inspiring cathedrals of Italy to the charming chapels of rural France. The book not only highlights the stunning architecture but also delves into the rich histories and the profound sense of community that these churches represent.

“Church” is more than a collection of images; it is a tribute to the timeless influence of faith and artistry. It reflects Kanye West’s ambition to preserve and celebrate the heritage of these sacred spaces, ensuring their stories and significance are shared with the world. As you explore the pages of “Church,” you will be transported into a realm where history, culture, and spirituality converge, offering a deeper understanding of the enduring legacy of these magnificent edifices.